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07/01/2005: More Sun-Shiny Days Ahead...
Ahh... just what I needed in the middle of an over-baked, glaringly endless Sunny-day Drought is this additional Bit o Little Miss Sunshine from James Wolcott, writing about Rich Lowry over at The National Review:
.Twas barely a few issues ago, and he [Rich Lowry] was trumpeting loudly and unambiguously in a NR cover story on Iraq, "We're Winning."
The situation migrated south since then, and today he has an article on NRO hedging, "It's Winnable." So we were definitely winning in Iraq a couple months ago, and now it's still possible to pull out a win, and presumably a month or two from now it'll be "There's Still an Outside Shot at Winning," and a few months after that it'll be "How We Could Have Won If All of My Previous Articles Had Panned Out."
I particularly enjoyed his opening to today's installment. "There is no doubt that the insurgency has increased its lethality in recent months, and that cant be spun away. But neither is it cause for existential despair."
If he keeps lowering the bar, he's going to become a limbo master.
Karen on 07.01.05 @ 04:03 PM CST