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06/29/2005: I didn't catch "The Speech" last night.
I had more important things to do, as the Cardinals were playing the Reds in St. Louis, which meant that XM was broadcasting the Cardinals Radio Network feed, featuring play-by-play by Wayne Hagin and Mike "The Moonman" Shannon. If I have a choice, I want to listen to The Moonman over Chimpy McCoward any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
But for you unregenerate news junkies that just can't get enough, Thomas Nephew at Newsrack features a scorecard on The Speech. Judging just from this summary (and not the other things I've read this morning), I didn't miss anything at all.
Though I'm very heartened by the fact that Even The U.S. Government Ministry of Propaganda mainstream media reported that the only applause for Bush during the entire speech was staged by bAdministration lackeys (I've seen a report that even the Faux Snooze Network reported that, though I don't have any independent confirmation of it).
Damn, it's nice to see the Smirking Chimp's popularity in the toilet and swirling clockwise....
Len on 06.29.05 @ 12:29 PM CST