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06/28/2005: And the latest on Zach and Love In Action
The State apparently completed its investigation of child abuse allegations, and ruled them "unfounded". Basically, given the difficulties of proving emotional abuse, that's not necessarily surprising.
In order to get your fix on the latest breaking news:
EJ is, of course, all over it.
As is autoegocrat at The River City Mud Company.
Dr. Abby adds some links on the abuse question.
And if you want to get away from the Memphis blogosphere's take on this story, The Republic of T and Pandagon weigh in too.
While the ruling on abuse isn't surprising, I'm wondering why action isn't being taken on a licensure issue? Seems pretty clear to me that what they're doing over there constitutes the unauthorized practice of medicine (psychiatry) and/or psychology. And surely they should be sanctioned for that.
Len on 06.28.05 @ 09:29 PM CST