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06/15/2005: Here's how you make them queers straight.....
Via The Flypaper Theory (wherein Ye Peskye Flye gives us a peek at his Memphis Flyer column coming out today...), we get this explanation from John Smid, the director of Memphis area "homosexual conversion center" Love in Action (LiA is the place where Zach, local teen who came out to his parents, is being "treated"):
How does God make a gay man straight? In 1997 John Smid the ex-gay Director for Love in Action, a homosexual conversion center located in Memphis, tried to explain this mystery to the Memphis Flyer. He said he would use non-Christian terms, to make it easier for secular types to understand.If I'm understanding Smid's analogy correctly, then, his "converted" homosexuals are merely homosexuals who think that they're heterosexuals, but really aren't.
"I'm looking at that wall and suddenly I say it's blue,” Smid said pointing at a yellow wall. “Someone else comes along and says, `No, it's gold. But I want to believe that wall is blue. Then God comes along and He says, `You're right, John, [that yellow wall] is blue. That's the help I need. God can help me make that [yellow] wall blue."
You don’t have to be a psyche major to recognize that Smid’s metaphor for gay conversion is the dictionary.com definition of delusional: “A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence.”
I'd love to see the statistics on recidivism of LiA alumni. My guess is that it's pretty damn high.
Len on 06.15.05 @ 09:25 AM CST