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06/14/2005: Have you just swallowed poison? No ipecac in the house?
Well, just use this:

to induce nausea. That's the proposed "U.S. National Christian Flag". From their Vision Statement:
Our nation was built on Christian principles. We believe this is why God has blessed us with bounty and strength. So our flag is affectionately dubbed 'Beauty & Bands'. His favor has backed up our witness of Him in all nations....we're loving our Jesus in the U.S. of A.So Mike, you agree with them that our nation was founded on Christian principles. So will you be flying the U.S. National Christian Flag below your flag? I'm sure they'll be happy to overlook your atheism, though you may want to figure out where you'll put all the tracts, etc., you'll probably be getting. Not to mention keeping a few refreshments around for all the missionaries who'll be around to save your soul (since they'll probably see you as ripe for conversion, unlike more a more hard core case like me).
And I almost forgot: Happy Flag Day, y'all!
Hat tip: KTK at Lean Left
UPDATE: The folks at U.S. National Christian Flag must be having a bit of financial trouble; I notice that the direct link to the flag graphic isn't working, and if you try to look at the flag graphic directly you get a "This Account Has Been Suspended; Please contact the billing/support office as soon as possible." I guess I'll have to capture this smaller, less impressive graphic until they get their financial act together.
UPDATE II: Now an attempt to follow the link to the U.S. National Christian Flag website gives us a "bandwidth" exceeded error message. While I'd like to think that DBV is approaching the Daily Kos in stature, and InstaHack (no link; y'all surely know my contempt for Reynolds) in influence, and that the Christian Flag site has been forced to its knees by "the Dark Bilious Vapors effect" (a wholly un-owned subsidiary of the Slashdot effect), the more likely explanation is that the site was either Slashdotted or Instalanched. Or a whole bunch of us citizens of Left Blogistan, doing our thing, managed to all link to the same site at the same time, and together wielded the power of Mighty Slashdot, and Inexplicably Influential InstaDip.
God, I love being one of the first in on a fad!
Len on 06.14.05 @ 09:29 AM CST