Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » June 2005 » Some familiar names.....

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06/14/2005: Some familiar names.....

At his blog, Brian Leiter's announced that he's accepted an invite to join the Editiorial Board of The IVR Encyclopaedia of Jurisprudence, Legal Theory and Philosophy of Law. The IVR, for those of you not playing the home game, is The International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy ("IVR?" I hear you ask. "How the f*ck do they get 'IVR' out of that?" Well, "IVR" derives from the official name of the association, which is German: "Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie". Quit being so damned Anglo-centric).

Out of curiosity, I had to check the rest of the membership of the Encyclopedia's editorial board, and I saw a couple of familiar names: Stanley Paulson ( William Gardiner Hammond Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy (extraordinarily content-free page here), Washington University in St. Louis) and Carl Wellman (Hortense and Tobias Lewin Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities, Emeritus (just about as content-free a webpage as Prof. Paulson's; obviously the Philosophy Department is revising its website), Washington University in St. Louis). Those in addition to a few second tier names (like Richard Posner's)...


The names of Professors Wellman and Paulson are familiar to me because I took my bachelor's in philosophy at Washington University, and I had the opportunity to work closely with both men. The University can be proud that both are associated with the institution, unlike the University's association with a certain Repugnican turd (and worse, his wife) they gave faculty appointments to to help fill said turd's resume in between his terms of sucking off the public trough.

And more importantly, Professor Leiter can be proud to be associated with such exemplary scholars. :-)

On a more depressing note, I feel compelled to observe that everyone listed as an "emeritus" (i.e., retired) professor of philosophy on the W.U. Philosophy Department webspace is someone who was an active faculty member when I was an undergraduate there (and that doesn't take into account that Professor Richard Popkin has died in the interim, though he's still listed on the emeritus page). Of all the active faculty, only Professor Paulson and Professor Joseph Ullian were active faculty members when I was a student there.

Of course, the fact that this August will mark the 30th anniversary of my enrollment as a freshman at Washington University might well have something to do with that.

Len on 06.14.05 @ 08:55 AM CST

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