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06/04/2005: Co-Blogging....
Conglomerate has this "interesting" query/muse on Co-blogging called Blogging Synergies by Gordon Smith:"Assume Blog A attracts 500 visitors per day, and Blog B attracts 300 visitors per day. Some people visit both blogs. For the sake of argument, assume that 100 people visit both blogs daily. If the authors of Blog A and Blog B combine to form a new blog -- say, Blog C (Conglomerate!) -- how many visitors should they expect to attract?
The answer, of course, is that it depends. When people blog together at the same site, their blogging may be influenced by their close interaction. They may blog more often than if they were blogging alone because they feel pressure to provide content to the joint enterprise. Or they may blog less often because others are carrying part of the load. They may blog about different topics than they would have were they blogging separately. In any event, my experiences here at Conglomerate and at Times & Seasons convince me that group blogs have interaction effects. In other words, the group blog is different than the sum of its parts...."
Give it a full read to see how this concept strikes you...and it's curious to me as I've joined this Bloggie group of DBV.
As to *what effect* that has had -- postive in readership or interest in this Blog - well, can't exactly say. But from my point of view, it's been most positive for all the new friendships and conversations exemplified by my recent visit to Memphis to meet-cha' all. So, I'm giving it a thumbs-up and I hope you all agree and enjoy our combined insanity and musings here. We are still Having FUN - and getting our chance to Have Our Say in the Bloggosphere.
Karen on 06.04.05 @ 06:11 AM CST