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06/03/2005: Memphis Visit Finale...
Here are the last of the Memphis pictures I took. Now they’ve each gotten their own day to be posted and I can relive the moment. Then there are all the "mind's eye pictures" which were not in my camera and I can go back and upload those in my own personal graymatter too - But can't postie them tho' (*smile*) - so here’s the final few:
We also hit the “Flying Saucer” for a beer. For those of you who haven’t yet been there, the Flying Saucer has a list of 217 beers from around the world and a few assorted wines and non-alcoholic types of beer. IF you try 100 of them, then you qualify for a “memorial plate” with your name hung on their wall. For each additional 100 beers you drink, they change your plate color to reflect that dubious accomplishment. I had to try Flying Dog Bite Ale (Boulder, Co.) but passed on the Flying Dog Bite Heat Wheat Beer (Boulder, Co.) – as I prefer ale. :-)
All in all a wonderful “Mom Holiday” and Len was a great tour guide and squire…even if he is only a Memphonian at heart. LOL
Karen on 06.03.05 @ 05:54 AM CST