[« End of an Era?] ["I always thought the record would stand until it was broken." --Yogi Berra »]
05/31/2005: Well, we now know who "Deep Throat" was....
besides the fact that he's the guy who clued Woodstein in on the Watergate break-in. Apparently, he's former FBI deputy director W. Mark Felt, according to a story in Vanity Fair that's been confirmed by Woodward, Bernstein, and Ben Bradlee of the Washington Post.
I have to admit I share Ben Bradlee's astonishment:
Bradlee said today, "The thing that stuns me is that the goddamn secret has lasted this long."Of course, the reason it lasted this long is that it wasn't the government that was keeping the secret.
Len on 05.31.05 @ 06:20 PM CST