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05/31/2005: Hmmmmm.... if my co-bloggers ever desert me, this might even make a good blog title...
Apropos of my fit of pique last week (note to Mike: I still love ya, man--and you remind me that I do need to catch another ballgame with you, hopefully soon), I think I'm going to start calling myself a proud member of the St. Louis Diaspora (go look it up; after all, I own an Unabridged Oxford English Dictionary, and I'm not afraid to use it; you can learn something from me).
Actually, that's by way of mentioning a couple additions to the blogroll, just because. I'd actually had my eye on Pretty War and its subsidiary, Pretty War STL, since Tom, the proprietor there, first showed up in the comments here, but when Tom posted a picture of blue dragons descending upon Dutchtown, which brought back some fond memories of living in Dutchtown way back when, I figured that I'd read the handwriting on the wall and welcome him to the blogroll (besides, it makes checking up with him easier).
Meanwhile, if I do steal the St. Louis Diaspora title, I'm going to give due credit to Cardsblogger Cardinals Diaspora.
Note to Karen: No, I'm not expecting you or Brock to desert me, no matter how badly I embarass y'all.
Len on 05.31.05 @ 06:43 AM CST