[« A tax revolt I can approve of....] [And speaking of SKBubba... »]
05/16/2005: Thanks to an alert reader of his....
South Knox Bubba enlightens us on what constitutes "emergency war spending":
You know that recent $80 billion in "emergency supplemental appropriations" for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? You know, the funding for hardened Humvees, body armor, and weapons and ammunition for the troops that if you don't vote for you're a traitor?Go take a look at the list. And then shake your head in wonder....
Reader Ken writes that he "was scanning through the text of H.R. 1268 looking for the section on requiring states to certify citizenship before issuing driver’s licenses."
He says he "found a lot of interesting, disturbing, and bizarre things buried in the bowels of this bill. I started cutting and pasting a few of the most obvious non-emergency pork barrel wastes of money."
Len on 05.16.05 @ 06:50 PM CST