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04/24/2005: Thought for the Day:
Q. Who is "Runaround" about?
A. The incident of this song is true, but the names have been changed to protect the innocent. This is this website's cute way of prefacing that the woman who this song is about is a very dear friend of John's and does not wish her identity to be known. It seems that John and his friend were always very close. But the rigors of his occupation, as well as hers, made it very hard for them to hang. It got to a very bad point one year where each sensed the other was blowing them off. This culminated in a very brief, but ventive argument...hell, it was a fight. The song is simply John's side of the argument. He delights in informing all who will listen that the cool thing about writing a song is that you get to have your side of an argument played at full volume by 525 radio stations around the country at once. John did disclose, with a quiet pride that on hearing the song, his good friend cried. We're sorry if that rhymes, but those are John's words. She is still among his very best friends and in fact loves him so much that during the fight she punched a pillar and summarily smashed it to bits. And this is not a huge woman we're talking about. If that isn't love, this website doesn't know what is.
--Blues Traveler FAQ, www.bluestraveler.com
Len on 04.24.05 @ 08:51 AM CST