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04/16/2005: Busy as a Spring Bee
For anyone interested (or wondering) at the "shortage" of "Karen Posts" can blame me for being a Good Community Citizen...and will know I've been BUSY with multiple things like this topic described in the Daily Herald article by Patrick Waldron: Residents to get seats on jail advisory committee".
As the current President of the Fisher Farms Master Association (9 Neigborhoods of approx 930 homes), I am involved with many of the goings-on here at Dennis Hastert Corner...but it does keep me BUSY. Tho' hoping it will be an alternate FFMA BOD member as our "Citizen Representative" because we have two very qualified guys who could have a lot of helpful and useful input on this committee.
As another aside, There was yet another DBV melt-down, leading Len and I to conclude AOL has the "suckiest Browser" EVER as incompatible with Greymatter. So, it's on to Mozilla/Firefox and I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is a Permanent FIX to Len having to run diagnostics and testing or do any more Techo-Wizardry to rebuild all the DBV indexes (again) to keep our page up and functional.
Karen on 04.16.05 @ 05:02 PM CST