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04/13/2005: Political etymology lesson for today....
over at Democratic Veteran, proprietor Jo Fish, blogging about a John Negroponte statement asked this when contemplating the common description of Negroponte as being nominated to be Bush's "intelligence czar":
And what the fuck is up with everything being a "Czar" position? Do we go with the Romanov Cabinet next? Is Karl Rove actually Rasputin reincarnated? Jeebus.which prompted this response in the comments:
"Czar" is a beltway term of art for someone that will get all the blame when things go down the tubes, but has no actual power to affect events. For example, various "drug czars", "energy czars", etc. They all accomplished jack squat.Now you know.
Write it down for future reference:
CZAR: Control: Zero; All Responsibility.
Len on 04.13.05 @ 11:50 AM CST