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04/03/2005: Gem o'the Day:
From an interview with baseball über-statistician Bill James on the "Sons of Sam Horn" (Red Sox fan message board) website:
James T: Do you and your family still root for the [Kansas City] Royals? [James is a native of Kansas, and still makes his home in Lawrence, KS. --LRC]
Bill James: We do. I go to 15-20 Royals games a year, the family with me about half the time. But you have to approach the Royals differently than you do a competitive team. You have to root for them to win that game without worrying about the game before or the game after. . .sort of like watching one episode of a soap opera that you know was cancelled in mid-season.
Len on 04.03.05 @ 07:54 PM CST