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03/31/2005: More about Mr. Language Wordsmith
I had trackbacked (via e-mail since a *real* trackback still eludes this techno-dweeb) to Neal Whitman (Literal Minded) on his recent posts I linked to. And he sent this response:"Hi, Karen,
Thanks for your message, and the link to my posts.
I'd like to learn some more about this Mr. Language
Wordsmith, but I only found him mentioned in one
previous post. I'll keep an eye out for Mr. LW in the
future, though.
Best, Neal"
So, I had to send him this most pertinent info on Mr. Language Wordsmith (and for those you who "reeeeally care" bout this stuff...)
Dear Neal:
Well, Mr. Language Wordsmith and I are Dear and Great Friends...but we DO battle on occasion about that "correct usage and grammar" stuff. I still get tutoring on T & Th, 3-4pm, tho' with all the journalists, news media, writers, authors, and bloggers...I'm surprised he has ANY time for me at all. LOL
However, we have a "neighborly" resident Pretender to the Throne. This self-appointed Mr. Language Wordsmith; This "Pretender"; who saw fit to "comment" upon other writer's editorials in the local papers. Why this miscreant actually COUNTED up the number of words it took to make a point, as IF Less=Better. Why we all know the real Mr. Language Wordsmith would have none 'o' that as the Rule Number 1: is always to say things with exactly the right number of words -- No More, No Less. (and Everybody who's Anybody always follows Rule Number 1.)
However, anyone who's been following my posts KNOWS I am one of the worst typists on the face of the planet - excepting maybe someone who has NEVER encountered a Querty Keyboard before - and YES is too late to teach this old Doggie any NEW TRICKS on them skills. Plus, I'm not a very good proof-reader either - things always read just as I *think* they ought to -missing words or phrases be damned. LOL Which often provides some Unintentional Wording and Grammar issues in my stuff.
Many Cheers...Karen
Karen on 03.31.05 @ 08:33 AM CST