[« Funny, looks like a typical day at every law office I've worked at...] [Disasters??? »]
03/24/2005: At last, a reason to visit the website of InstaDipshit....
or Bill Hobbs, or any one of a number of wingnut wackjobs (wingnut wackjobs feel free to substitute Daily Kos, South Knox Bubba or any one of a number of moonbat sites): NetDisaster
Choose the site, then choose the type of catastrophe, amount of damage, and control (or lack thereof) you want to have over the destruction, and then let 'er rip! Eminently satisfying, and mostly harmless.
Thanks to The Queen of Cool Net Stuff, by way of The Memphis News Diva.
Len on 03.24.05 @ 01:00 PM CST