Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » March 2005 » Oct-To-Pie

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03/20/2005: Oct-To-Pie

A few words about Oct-To-Pie:

I woke up last Friday and before I could even attempt to sit up...I had an Octopi sitting on my chest. It's been trying to suffocate me all weekend with its constraints, each arm worse than the next -- crushing the very breathe and life right out of ME.

So, naturally, I called upon the Wise and Wonderful fafnir for his *expertise* in these matters: ""What says the 'O' Wise and Wonderful faf? How does one "leech" this Inkie-Armed set of constraints, tentacle by tentacle, from off of my psychie? It's a strong an tenacious critter too...but yer reference books must say sumpthing bout this phenom...

It's another Pie-Blogging Friday...but I is beset by them Octopi. Help"

Finally, after a few struggles on my own, faf was able to e-mail me these most *useful* and *worthwhile* instructions:

"Hmmm! I only know one octopus an he's pretty small an lazy so this might not work with your more tenacious sea beast types but it's worth
a shot.

What you wanna do see, is you wanna grab him by the lumpular
octopulus mass an pull im loose from there with one sharp tug like a
band-aid. Then once he's loose stick im in a specially-designed
octobox where your octopus can live comfortably contained.

Feed him brussel sprouts an leafy greens."

And ya know WHAT...worked just like a "Charm" and I is Oct-To-Pie FREE. Hip-Hip-hooray!! (Mike are ya listening here???)

But I've got to put a strong and large LOCK upon his cage -- cause Oct-to-Pie is cunning and sneaky and might escape without extra precautions. Why, if ya don't believe ME, just check out The Octopus Show (Nature/PBS) sometime; and SEE if I'm not 100% correct about these voracious multi-tentacled sea -beasts. And Always keep yer Oct-To-Pie under lock and key!!

Karen on 03.20.05 @ 08:02 AM CST

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