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03/17/2005: When it comes from a Baptist pastor in Alabama....
you'd think the religious wingnuts would sit up and take notice. Nope, more likely they'll try to stone the guy for blaspheming their Sacred Decalogue Idol. Nonetheless, we receive from James L. Evans, pastor of Auburn First Baptist Church, a list of 10 reasons not to post "The Big 10". Even though I'm a hardline atheist (gotta scroll a bit, or search for "hardline"), I can agree with this sentiment:
And the No. 1 reason the court should rule against public displays of the Ten Commandments--God wants them written on our hearts, and that's not going to happen just because they are on display down at the courthouse.If only someone like Roy Moore would pay attention. But I'm beginning to think that he wouldn't take the hint if you hit him upside the head with his ten commandments monument.
Thanks to Brian Arner for the pointer.
Len on 03.17.05 @ 12:53 PM CST