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03/10/2005: WTF?
Owing to the fact that I've used Ticketmaster in order to buy tickets to the last two appearances of George Carlin in Tunica, I find myself subscribed to their email newsletter. I suppose I opted into it at one point; I don't mind that too much. If it weren't for their emails I might have missed Carlin's second appearance, so I cut them some slack. Doesn't take long to scope it and see if there's anything I might want to see.
But today I receive an email from Ticketmaster with this subject line:
Don't miss Disney On Ice (SM) presents Disney/Pixar's Finding NemoWTF is wrong with Disney? Or did Congress pass some law requiring Disney to turn every hit movie they make into a fucking ice show?
I look at it as another data point in favor of atheism: if A Just And Loving God really existed, s/he'd never allow that kind of shit to happen.
And I really, really have to think that Walter Elias Disney is turning in his grave right now....
[And as far as I'm concerned, Warner's animation rocks; Disney has always been mere pablum for the masses. I may regret saying that, as there's an old girlfriend (Hi, Tammy!) who I wouldn't mind seeing again sometime who was an absolute Disney freak, and she'll probably write off any sort of a reunion as out of the question now, but Some Truths Simply Must Be Acknowledged.]
Len on 03.10.05 @ 03:06 PM CST