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03/10/2005: I Pay...Therefore...He Exists?
Now, for anyone who's had to pay "child support" -- or even as a matter of general common sense and decency -- here's one for the Books from US News Wire:"KRightsRadio released a statement (12/9/04) requesting an Investigation into what has become known as the "Viola Trevino case." Steve Barreras, the alleged father, paid about $20,000 in court-ordered child support to Viola Trevino over a 5-year period for a child who has been declared nonexistent by an Albuquerque judge.
Twenty-four hours later New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson ordered administration to investigate into how this all could have happened. KRightsRadio.com founder, Richar' Farr, says, "The Viola Trevino case is still not over - not by any means. The sad aftermath of this amazing case is still ongoing. It's taking its toll and causing tremendous suffering for the Barreras family."
"We're still financially strapped as a result of all of this. We're living hand to mouth," said Shelly Barreras, wife of Steve.
Farr says, "As much as the agency or the family court might want to, they can't just sweep this fiasco under the rug and forget about it. This agency and/or the court should be held accountable, just like a bank would be. The Barreras family needs their money back now, plus damages, to at least ease their financial hardship which was caused by the system erroneously taking their money for a non-existent child. How much longer must they endure injustice? It's already been 5 years."
Meanwhile, Shelly Barreras is ready to testify. She said, "Just throw me in front of Congress anytime."
A rally titled "March for Families" will be held March 11, in conjunction with the "Fallen Fathers Vigil" to help raise awareness of this and other cases nationwide where non-custodial parents and their families are suffering at the hands of the child support agencies and family courts. The rally will take place at 12 p.m., MST, at the Second Judicial Courthouse, 400 Lomas in Albuquerque, N.M. The public is invited to attend."
Karen on 03.10.05 @ 12:00 PM CST