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02/28/2005: FlashBlock extension for Firefox
If you're like me, you find blinky things on web pages distracting and annoying. Unfortunately, a great deal of web advertising is blinky, and therefore distracting and annoying. (It also eats up a lot of CPU time on this old 200 MHz machine I use for web surfing.) Much of this annoying blinky advertising is written in Macromedia Flash. But there's a lot of good web content written in Flash as well.
So you face a dilemma: If you uninstall the Flash plug-in, you don't see the annoying blinky advertising, but you miss the good content; if you want the good content, you have to put up with the annoying blinky advertising.
Enter the FlashBlock extension for Firefox. With this extension installed, Flash content is not loaded in your browser. A placeholder is put in its place, which you can click on to view the content if you so desire.
Trust me, it makes the Commercial Appeal site much more viewable.
Brock on 02.28.05 @ 06:31 PM CST