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02/25/2005: Universal Success
After my outing to Pluto...I finally located, at the library, that back issue of Natural History Magazine (April 2004) with the article about the "particle viewer" and the Digital /Virtual Universe which allows a virtual roam around the galaxies and beyond.
This Digital Universe was created by NASA's supported Digital Universe Atlas and the Hayden Planetarium of the American Museum of Natural History. You can download this program at the Download site and take a tour of this Universe in 3-dimensions. Out to edges of our Solar Sytem, to the Milky Way and beyond to the most distant objects known in the Universe.
But the caveat is: "as you move among the stars in the vicinity of our Sun, you may find that it is all too easy to get lost." Try this program out and then you, too, can see how easy it is to lose your way out by Pluto and Charon. (Crappy signage out there in the boondocks of the Universe.) Plus, there won't be any Sassy Black Holes for you to have to deal with either.
It's a really entertaining program.
Karen on 02.25.05 @ 03:36 PM CST