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02/19/2005: First Amendment Update (faf where are you??)
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette had this one earlier this week about "Bush's choice for the Supreme Court could put First Amendment absolutists in a difficult dilemma."
The article called: Intellectual Capital:Are 'free speech' judges liberal had this to say:"Even if Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist returns to the bench next week, it is expected that he will step down at the end of the Supreme Court's 2004-05 term, giving President Bush his first high court nomination -- or maybe two nominations if Bush decides to stick a finger in liberals' eyes and attempt to elevate Clarence Thomas or Antonin Scalia to the chief's chair.
Then we will see the ritualized retracing by the press and interest groups of the paper trail left by Bush's nominee or nominees, with their decisions (assuming they are sitting judges) pigeonholed into "liberal" and "conservative" categories. In the "liberal" column, especially in news reports, will be the category "free speech" or "First Amendment." After all, isn't the ACLU a "liberal" organization? But this is an oversimplification. On several fronts, First Amendment absolutists -- including some in the "liberal media" -- are out of sync with contemporary political liberalism."
Karen on 02.19.05 @ 07:10 AM CST