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02/17/2005: American Jobs Blog
US news Wire is reporting American Job Blog Creator, Greg Spotts is attempting to:."...obtain documents that may reveal preferential treatment provided to Wal-Mart, Sears, Foot Locker and other large retailers in Federal investigations of child labor law violations. Spotts' blog, titled American Jobs, explores the changing global economy from the perspective of the American worker..."
Mr. Spotts requested information from the Government, Alfred B. Robinson, Jr., Acting Administrator -U. S. Department of Labor - writing this as a portion of his request letter"We request expedited treatment of this request, on the basis that (i) “there is a threat to someone's life or physical safety,” and (ii) “the requestor is primarily engaged in disseminating information and has established that the request is urgently needed to inform the public concerning some actual or alleged government activity.”
Karen on 02.17.05 @ 04:48 AM CST