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02/10/2005: Welcome back!
Gooseneck is back, after taking some personal time off. Read about his near miss with frozen death, when a few guys at the bar sank a few too many tequilas....
I almost went "Polar Dipping" yesterday.
Strangely, stripping down to almost nothing and dousing myself in a near frozen pond is something that I always wanted to do. It's like a rite of passage or something. The Fire People of Nairobi pierce their eyeballs as an introduction into manhood... We here in (a much more civilized) Central Iowa merely run barefoot across a frozen blanket of snow, and jump into an icy pond.
At least that's what a few of the crazy fuckers I know around here do.
I always thought that it was something that I wanted to do. However, sitting in a bar talking about it in the middle of July is a long way from actually doing it... The exhilarating result is far from imaginable.
Len on 02.10.05 @ 07:23 PM CST