Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » February 2005 » How stupid do they think I am?

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02/10/2005: How stupid do they think I am?

As stupid as they are illiterate, apparently.

This email appeared in the junk mail folder of a Yahoo! Mail account that I use as a "spamcatcher" for some of my online activities (like registrations for websites, etc.):

To: xxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com
"Ya!hoo!" <xxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com>
[Yes, this purported to be to me, from me...]
Subject: Your Bnak Card Linikng To xxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com

Drae Yah!oo Mebmer,

Tihs email was snet by the Yaho!o srevre to veriyf yuor bakn cadr inoitamrofn. Your bkna ask Yah!oo tod o so becaesu some of theri members no lonreg haev acecss to emali adsserdes on Y!ooha and tehy ndee to veyfir you.
You must cpmolete thsi procsse by cikcilng on the lkni bwole:

[link redacted on general principle]

and eetnring yruo bakn ATM-Deibt Crad Numebr and PIN taht you use on AMT.

Leaving aside the fact that I don't have a "bakn cadr" or a "Bnak Card" liniked to this (or any) Yahoo (oh, excuse me, "Yah!oo") account (making it somewhat difficult for my bkna to ask them to verify my bakn ATM-Deibt Crad inoitamrofn), do they really think that I believe Yahoo would send me a request for information via an email in a language previously unknown to linguistics scholars (I suspect it's not an Indo-European language, but I digress)?

Hey phishers! Either learn some English, or enlist the aid of a co-conspirator who's basically fluent in the language. You won't trap me, but your successful hit rate will probably go up quite a bit....

Len on 02.10.05 @ 07:20 AM CST

[ | ]

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