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02/03/2005: Premature Ejaculations:
Sorry about the double entendre in my "title" (It's been a long week with lots of TLC duty 'cause my daughters have been tag teaming me getting sick with the flu...so I'm either slap-happy or much too easily amused by own inanities. Plus, pehaps my bloggerie "partner in crime" -Len - is having some influence on me...)
But it has been a bit too much on the "premature" shouting of successful elections as if those "ejaculations" papers over all the issues of lack or security and services endemic in Iraq.
Anyway: There's this really good article by Christopher Dickey (Newsweek) about If You build a Democracy...they will come.
However, to quote and old song by performed by Carol King, what I am wondering is more along the lines of "Will you still Love me tomorrow...?" as the question that's on my mind about what the future holds in Iraq.
Karen on 02.03.05 @ 03:51 PM CST