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02/03/2005: New Volunteer Tailgate Party
over at Half
Bakered. Damn good job, and surprising (to me) amount of turnout, since
it seems to me that the lead time was a bit shorter than usual. Anyway,
you can go to Mike's site to see some of the best of Tennessee's Best Bloggers.
And you'll note nothing by me there. Draw your own conclusions.
(And so there's no misunderstanding, be it known that if I'm implying that
I'm not one of Tennessee's Best Bloggers, that's my assessment
and nobody else's. Generally, I don't submit anything for inclusion in a
typical VTP simply because I rarely write anything I feel that strongly
about sharing with the rest of the world like that. I have submitted to
several past ones though, so there's always the possibility that you'll
see me there again. So just hold yer breath and bear with it.)
Len on 02.03.05 @ 09:11 AM CST
Replies: 4 comments
on Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 at 12:00 PM CST, Karen McLauchlan said
Don't 'cha have to pass some exam to be "licensed to Blog" in two or more States?? Just asking...not cause I really care. LOL I have enough trouble just typing in my own-state-of-mind here in Illinois.
on Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 at 12:48 PM CST, mike hollihan said
I wondered why you (and some others) didn't contribute. I am certainly not any better a writer than you, but I chuck myself out there. So should you, Len. (and Brock and Karen...) HB is getting about 15X normal traffic right now, thanks to an Instalanche, and I'm sure a lot of those folks are drifting over to the main blog page.
on Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 at 1:24 PM CST, Len Cleavelin said
I can't speak as to why others didn't contribute. I have submitted posts to the VTP when I've felt that I've written something since the last VTP that was of "general interest" (i.e., something more than mere mental masturbation of interest primarily to myself--see the "Hilarious" piece, above, as an unambiguous example of the "mental masturbation" category). That doesn't happen all that often (the last time it happened was the two posts I did in August about Groucho Marx (on the anniversary of his death) and Eddie Gaedel); and *that* turned out to be in the middle of a long hiatus in VTPs.
As for being the subject of an Instalanche, I'm sure you're aware of my feelings towards Reynolds. If Reynolds actually thought something I wrote was worthy of his notice (even to mock it) I'd feel so filthy and violated that I'd have to give serious thought to hanging up my blogging cleats permanently.
on Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 at 2:28 PM CST, Karen McLauchlan said
Well, y'all are mostly just talking over my head about this bloggerie stuff. I'm such a rash-newbie at blogging...what else can I say...and who's "Reynolds" anyway?