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01/31/2005: Wrapping My Mind Around Rush Limbaugh
My ultra-Right wing, Rush Limbaugh & Bill O'Reilly fan club member, Conservative
card-carrying GOP affiliate, Bush-wacked, golden-oldie father
is always trying to get me to follow Rush Limbaugh...a little more
closely (as if "never listen to him and never intend to"
qualifies as listening closely.)
But...perhaps it's time for my father to listen a little more "closely"
himself, to what John Fund (WSJ) refers to as the release of conservative
ire at the administration in this piece he calls Rush
for The Border. Fund writes:
"...conservatives bottled up their frustrations over some of President
Bush's policies. Then they muted their criticism during the presidential
campaign. But now it is spilling out in all directions--and the White House
had better pay attention."
What I find mostly hard to "wrap my mind around" is Rush Limbaugh dating Daryn
Kagan (CNN) who were an "item" during the 2004 election...anything else Limbaugh
says just can't penetrate beyond that "surprise tidbit" of celebrity trivia.
Karen on 01.31.05 @ 12:17 PM CST
Replies: 1 comment
on Monday, January 31st, 2005 at 2:03 PM CST, mike hollihan said
Rush has really taken off on illegal immigratrion since the inaugural. He takes great pains to distinguish between open, legal immigration, which he's fine with, and porous-border illegals.
You could tell before the election that he was holding back on a lot of things just to support the President.