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01/27/2005: Person of the Year
Ben, over at Rum & Monkey has posted a Q looking for ideas as to who should be Person of the Year and Why. (And please not G.W.: He's swell-headed enough even if chosen for derogatory reasons as the biggest f**k-up on the Planet...he wouldn't "get it" anyway.)
I submitted this choice:
Does it have to be a still living person? My vote goes to Yasser Arafat for generously (finally and unequivocally) kicking the bucket, bringing a renewed breath of hope for a stalled Palestinian State and some sort of future for that region. It has nothing to do with lauding his death, or overly mourning either...but recognizing that, in the end, he was Palestine's worst and best friend, its most ardent defender and most insidious foe, its mouth piece and its muzzle, its hope and its despair. (In many ways this description also fits G.W.B....but Arafat has given up the ghost, once and for all time...G.W.'s only winding up for Act II. My vote goes for Yasser Arafat.)
Karen on 01.27.05 @ 08:09 PM CST