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01/21/2005: Another Volunteer Tailgate Party is up....
thanks to the hard work of Big Orange Michael.
For those of you unclear on the concept, the VTP is basically a "Carnival of the Rocky Top Brigade" (if you're unclear on the concept of "Carnival of [Foo]", go Google "carnival of the vanities"; it's a "drive my blog-reader-stats-up" thang). There are a fair number of blog carnivals out there, including "Philosophers' Carnival" and "Carnival of the Godless", two of which (along with the VTP) you may find a post or two from Dark Bilious Vapors on, depending on whether Brock or I get motivated to actually 'gin up an appropriate post and submit it to one or the other anytime soon.
Len on 01.21.05 @ 12:36 PM CST