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01/16/2005: For what it's worth, a warning....
In the past 25 minutes or so, I've received two emails with the subject line "CNN: Osama Bin Laden captured". In both cases, the email included a URL to visit with the "latest news"; in one of those emails the body of the email included a "password" which is apparently required to access a zip file which would be downloaded when you clicked on the URL. In both cases, too, the URL was to a numeric IP address (i.e., in the form "http://WWW.XXX.YYY.ZZZ/filename.ext", where "WWW", "XXX", "YYY", and "ZZZ" were three digit numbers between "000" and "255").
My guess is that these URLs are set up to point to a webpage that will install something nasty on your computer (especially if you're using Microsoft Internet Exploder instead of a decent browser like Firefox). Needless to say, a quick glance at the real CNN webpage shows no late breaking news about OBL's capture.
If you get those emails, it's probably best to trash them. You Have Been Warned.
Len on 01.16.05 @ 10:26 AM CST