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01/12/2005: Slumming in the blogosphere
Matthew Yglesias has discovered the bizarre world of "Christian libertarian" nutjob Vox Day.
In the post that Yglesias references, Day speaks of the "Merits of Anti-Semitism," writing
I'd never understood how the medieval kings found it so easy to get the common people to hate the Jews in their midst. But if those medieval Jewish leaders were anything like the idiots running the ADL, the ACLU and the Council of Jews, one can see where the idea of persecuting them would have held some appeal.
At my former blogospheric haunt, I've blogged about Day's apocalyptic misogyny and his use of racial slurs to describe Michelle Malkin, whom I have no admiration for.
Brock on 01.12.05 @ 11:23 PM CST