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01/01/2005: It's the New Year, and you know what that means....
Last month people made up their entries for this year's Dead Pool (if you follow the link, it's too late to enter this year; you have to enter before 12/31, it appears). The basic game, as I understand it, is pick the 15 people you think are most likely to die in 2005, and the one who has the most correct entries wins. Go to the link for details.
This particular pool appears to be for bloggers only; I'm aware of a few others (e.g., The Celebrity Dead Pool; if this has your morbid curiosity up just do a Google search on "dead pool" for more). What I'm wondering is:
How many dead pool players picked Chief Justice Rehnquist?
Credit: Chris Lawrence at Signifying Nothing
Len on 01.01.05 @ 08:03 PM CST