[« This is going to look distinctly weird if it comes to pass.....] [As mentioned two posts down.... »]
11/03/2004: And speaking of weirdness....
I don't normally click through a lot of ads, but in surfing through some MLB news stories I was faced with an "interesting" ad. Basically it's a picture of the backside of one of our premier plastic pop divas (Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears or Christina Agulera), and a caption posing the question: "Who is this POP DIVA?". Then follows the three choices listed, and then the come on: "Guess it right, win a free PlayStation2." [emphasis added --LRC]
What attracted my idle attention (besides the picture, of course) was that it was obvious that the entire ad was one big graphic, and that the "radio buttons" besides the names of the answer choices weren't valid interface widgets (I know; big revelation. This is what you get from me at 6:30AM before I've finished my first cup of coffee). So, just to prove my observations, I clicked on the picture of the diva's backside...
And I was greeted by a message: "Congratulations!!! You have just won an X-box!!!"
Dude!! Where's my PlayStation?
Len on 11.03.04 @ 06:30 AM CST