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10/08/2004: We can but hope....
dKos and TalkLeft are both channeling rumors (surprisingly believable) that Tom DeLay is about to be indicted after all.
Frankly, I hope he is. Not because of any malice I hold for DeLay, but because I believe in tradition. Let Molly Ivins explain it:
For starters, once again the speaker of the Texas House is under investigation by a grand jury. We're so proud. We have nothing against this guy personally -- we're just rooting for an indictment as a matter of Texas tradition.So let's hope that DeLay respects tradition too. Not to mention that DeLay's indictment, if it happens, will be a tribute to his consummate skill. Molly Ivins again:
You may be wondering why House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is raising money for a legal defense fund and telling his fellow Republicans in Washington to be prepared to name his replacement in the event he is indicted.
DeLay and Texas House Speaker Tom Craddick may have achieved the near-impossible by breaking Texas campaign finance laws. Since Texas essentially has no campaign finance laws, this is no mean feat.
Len on 10.08.04 @ 12:36 PM CST