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10/05/2004: Local TV News maven Peggy Phillip....
directs our attention to this: The Evolution of Information and the 20 Minute News Cycle. In conclusion, the author (Stephen Macklin) saith:
The key to the function and the success of the blogosphere is the link. That is how one brief post at Powerline lead to a retraction and apology from CBS News. Links work because links are free. Any blogger can link to any other and either build on what they posted or do their best to tear it down. But when blogging becomes a commercial endeavor what will that do to the hyperlink? How will bloggers respond to a site linking to their material for commercial gain? Will we see the advent of a pay per link system? Will bloggers be competing for the dollars to be earned from selling a link to CBS-blog.com? Or will bloggers continue on as unpaid stringers for the major media blogs?Um, isn't that more or less what Billmon said in his Parthian shot?
I fear it is likely that the blogosphere my fall victim to its own success. When the media comes, and it will, it will come with dollars. And dollars will change everything.
Len on 10.05.04 @ 09:12 AM CST