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10/01/2004: What's not good about living in Memphis....
apropos of an earlier post where I referred readers to a request by Rachel for a list of good things about living in Memphis, I regret to say that, while walking my dog this afternoon, I was reminded of one thing I don't like about life in the Bluff City.
Is there an ordinance here requiring bicycle riders to ride on the sidewalk?
It seems that whenever I'm walking my dog (a 70 lb. German Shepherd bitch, for those of you who haven't been paying attention), someone (usually a teenager) is riding his/her bike on the same sidewalk that I'm trying to walk my dog on. This is highly annoying to me because my dog still has enough predatory instinct that she thinks that a good bike chase is a hell of a lot of fun, and she doesn't remember that I'm attached to the other end of the leash when she decides to take off after the interloper.
I suppose the good news is that I can reach things on a higher shelf than I could before I moved here. But I really wish the bastards would learn to ride on the street, where bicycles belong (when the cyclist is older than, say, 7 or 8).
Len on 10.01.04 @ 06:43 PM CST