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08/23/2004: Thought for the Day:
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. The Cardinals are now at a point where if they play .500 ball for the rest of the season, they'll win 100 games. 100 games! They've won in the triple digits only once in the past 36 years -- only twice in the last sixty years -- and now, with seven weeks left in the season, it's just ours for the taking? What did we do to deserve this? Did the entire city of St. Louis lead the league in puppies saved, or volunteer minutes at the soup kitchen? Or is this some big set-up? Is Someone Upstairs telling us to sit down and enjoy it just so He can pull the chair out from under us?
--Brian Gunn [redbirdnation.blogspot.com]
Len on 08.23.04 @ 05:42 AM CST