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08/21/2004: Thought for the Day:
American Idol.
I've never seen an episode. But somehow the names Simon, Paula, Ryan, Justin, Clay, Ruben and Kelly are branded into my frontal lobe. You can't sling a dead cat without hitting something having to do with American Idol.
I'm so sick of hearing and seeing about American Idol my ass is sore.
The concept bugs me, first and foremost. Let's have a bunch of semi- and quasi-talented middle-American looking people get on the TV and sing covers of adult contemporary classics. And let's do it two and three times a week. All in favor of fine television shows like "Andy Richter Controls the Universe", "Bernie Mac", "Wanda Sykes", "the Tick", and "Arrested Development".
It's just rude, to me. I don't go to karaoke bars. I guess this is TV's way of bringing the karaoke to me. But it's not enough to have karaoke. We have to have a bunch of talentless hacks in the forms of Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and
that fat guy whose "autobiography" had the word "Dawg" in the title in a form not referring to the University of Georgia bicker with each other over the course of several different nights a week as to whether the little weaselly looking girl's cover of "Wind Beneath My Wings" was up to snuff or not.
And then, the snotty Brit flips somebody the bird, or doesn't, and it's front page news.
I'm tired of not being able to check out at the grocery store without seeing Clay Aiken's weird wirey/junkie/cowboy/mindless grin on the cover of some tabloid, or seeing somebody else fret over the fact that Ruben Studdard is fat.
Can we let Paula Abdul fade back into obscurity?
Can we leave the karaoke to the Japanese?
And would Simon Cowell and Ryan Sechrest please just go do it and leave the rest of us out of their weird commonlaw marriage bickerfest they have with one another?
--Tommy Acuff [bigstupidtommy.blogspot.com]
Len on 08.21.04 @ 02:41 PM CST