[« A change of nickname will soon be in order....] [Jose "The Secret Weapon" Oquendo has always been one of my favorite Cardinals... »]
07/28/2004: Thought for the Day:
The digital pests never seem to let up. For years we've dealt with worms and viruses, and now we've got spyware and adware invading our computers—hijacking browsers, popping up ads, and harvesting personal information. A recent study found that 90 percent of computers harbor this stuff, and spyware and adware are the No. 1 reason people call Dell tech support. We could be forgiven for wondering whether there's any light at the end of the tunnel. Will we ever halt these digital epidemics?
Here's a dismal answer: No. These afflictions stem from a thorny cultural problem: The entire software industry has been designed around our computer illiteracy. That isn't an easy, or even a possible, thing to change.
--Clive Thompson
Len on 07.28.04 @ 06:22 AM CST