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06/10/2004: Thought for the Day:
Missouri isn't so much a bellwether as it is a weathervane: It doesn't swing the country, the country swings it. Political cool-hunters head to California to learn about the trends that will soon be heading east, but they head to Missouri to confirm that a particular craze has gone mainstream. (The maxim holds true outside of politics as well: If Missouri were a trendsetter, the nation would be dotted with highway billboards hawking walnut bowls and the delights of a relentlessly advertised store called Ozarkland that sells T-shirts, pocket knives, rock candy, and the like.) The truism should be, "As the country goes, so goes Missouri," rather than the other way around.
--Chris Suellentrop
Len on 06.10.04 @ 06:57 AM CST