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05/17/2004: As a former lawyer....
I find myself horrified by the story that's being reported by Newsweek this week: The Roots of Torture. The story shows the dangers that rear their ugly heads when lawyers for the government start seeing themselves strictly as advocates for the position their client desires to assert, and don't recognize that there are other, more important considerations besides justifying what high officials of the Executive Branch want to do.
This story needs much more time and effort than I can afford to devote to it right now, and unfortunately things at work have heated up a bit. I hope that in the next few days I can find enought time to put some coherent thoughts down on this subject though. It's a desperately important one, and I need to get my own thinking in order, even if nobody else will listen to me. *grin* Then again, what's the surprise in that?
Len on 05.17.04 @ 09:08 PM CST