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05/17/2004: Cardinals Trivia Department (and some movie trivia thrown in too!)
According to Brian Doolittle in Royalties and Cardinalate, Cardinals 3B Scott Rolen lives in actor Vincent Price's former St. Louis residence. While Brian refers to this item as "Rolen's House of Horror", it's probably not that bad. Price was born in St. Louis, but was educated at Yale, started his career on Broadway, did some work with Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater, and of course eventually migrated to the Left Coast in order to pursue his film career. Most likely Rolen is living in Price's childhood (or adolescent) home.
The mention of Price, though, inspires me to relate my favorite Price anecdote. Price worked with the actor Peter Lorre in a number of projects, and found themselves attending Bela Lugosi's funeral. As you may know, Lugosi was buried in his famous cape and formal attire from his best known role, "Dracula", and at his funeral cut a rather familar sight lying there in the coffin. According to Price, as he and Lorre stood in front of Lugosi's open coffin, Lorre leaned over to him and softly asked, "Do you think we should drive a stake into his heart, just in case?"
Len on 05.17.04 @ 07:46 AM CST