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05/07/2004: Is there even an Arthur Andersen anymore?
A little piece from the St. Louis Business Journal caught my eye: Missouri accounting board revokes Andersen's license
The Missouri State Board of Accountancy has revoked Arthur Andersen LLP's license to practice in the state.Not that this isn't a just result--it certainly is--and it probably has to be done, but is there even a firm there to make pulling it's license to practice accounting anything more than a symbolic gesture? Though sometimes symbolic gestures are important. Even President Bush realized that this week....
The action comes less than two years after the Big Five accounting firm collapsed in the wake of its involvement in the Enron Corp. financial scandal. A Houston jury found Andersen guilty in June 2002 of felony obstruction of justice.
Len on 05.07.04 @ 12:20 PM CST